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  1. By publicly presenting the conditions of the parking agreement, SKA Parking Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Parking Management) expresses its offer to enter into a parking agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the conditions stated in the offer. By parking a vehicle in the parking area, the Parking Management considers the vehicle owner or user (hereinafter referred to as the Vehicle User) to have given consent to enter into the agreement, and the agreement is deemed to be concluded.

  2. The vehicle owner is jointly liable with the vehicle user for the proper performance of the Agreement.

  3. After giving consent for parking, the Parking Management undertakes to allow the Vehicle User to use the parking space on the Parking Management's parking area for the paid parking time, and upon the termination of parking or expiration of the parking time, to allow the Vehicle User to exit the parking area.

  4. The Parking Management allows free parking on the parking area, within the time specified on the information board, which is an integral part of the parking agreement. The start of parking must be recorded by indicating the start time on the parking clock, which should be visibly placed on the vehicle dashboard.

  5. The Vehicle User must use the parking area, including the parking space, in a responsible and purposeful manner, with necessary care, and in accordance with the installed signs, markings, instructions, and guidelines of the Parking Management.

  6. In the event of a breach of the parking agreement, the Vehicle User undertakes to pay the Parking Management a contractual penalty of up to 50 euros. If the violation persists, the Parking Management may submit a new penalty claim every 24 hours.

  7. The payment of the contractual penalty does not replace the payment of the parking fee. The amount of the contractual penalty must be paid within 14 days from the submission of the penalty claim and becomes due for collection by the Parking Management after this deadline.

  8. If the vehicle has been relocated to a barrier-equipped parking lot or the Parking Management has installed a barrier to prevent the vehicle from leaving the parking space, the contractual penalty becomes immediately payable from the submission of the penalty claim by the Parking Management.

  9. If the parking-related amounts have not been paid to the Parking Management, the Parking Management has the right to refuse its own obligations and prevent the vehicle from leaving the parking area, including by placing a barrier on the vehicle, until the payable amounts have been paid to the Parking Management. After the payment of the parking-related amounts to the Parking Management, the Parking Management must allow the Vehicle User to leave the parking area with the vehicle.

  10. If the presence of the vehicle in the parking area causes or may cause damage to the Parking Management or other vehicles, or if the parking agreement or requirements arising from legal acts are violated (such as parking without license plates or the circumstances specified in Section 92 (6) of the Traffic Act), the Parking Management has the right to relocate the vehicle at the expense and liability of the Vehicle User. The Parking Management has the right to prevent the vehicle from leaving the parking area until the payment of the parking-related amounts (including the costs of relocating and storing the vehicle) is made.

  11. The data provided by the Vehicle User to the Parking Management during the conclusion of the parking agreement (phone number, email, etc.) are considered binding data regarding the vehicle and the Vehicle User who entered into the parking agreement. By entering into the parking agreement, the Vehicle User gives consent to the Parking Management to process the received data, including personal data of the Vehicle User, to ensure compliance with the terms of the agreement. The Parking Management has the right to transfer the data or assign the claims arising from the agreement to a debt collection service provider, take legal action in court, and disclose the debt data (payment default data) of the Vehicle User to third parties.

  12. The Parking Management is not liable for any damage caused to the vehicle by the Vehicle User or third parties while driving or during parking in the parking area.

  13. For additional information, please contact the parking organizer via email at

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